Research news: More scientific evidence of the positive health effects of Nordic Walking in a study conducted by researchers from Finland, Sweden and USA.



The 20th Anniversary Celebrations of Nordic Walking in Finland, August 4-6, 2017. The summary of the historical International Nordic Walking Congress and the official video of the whole event:

see them here.


The Scientific Advisory Board of ICNW

Mika Venojärvi (FIN), PhD, Adjunct Professor, Senior lecturer at the University of Eastern Finland (Institute of Biomedicine, Exercise Medicine, School of Medicine).

- Chairman of the Scientific Advisory Board

Minna Huotilainen (FIN), PhD, Doc., Universities of Uppsala and Helsinki. She is a neuroscientist and a cognitive scientist who works at Swedish Collegium for Advanced Study in Uppsala, Sweden, and at Cognitive Brain Research Unit at University of Helsinki, Finland. Read more...

Kari Kalliokoski (FIN), PhD, Adjunct professor, University of Turku. He is exercise physiologist and senior researcher as well as adjunct professor of cardiovascular physiology and exercise metabolism at the Turku PET Centre, University of Turku. Recently he has specifically studied the health effects of high-intensity interval training (HIIT). Read more...

Mika Pihlman (FIN), MSc, Physioterapist, Manipulative Physiotherapist, Fascial treatments’ expert and lecturer. Read more...

Heikki Tikkanen (FIN), PhD, Professor of Physiology and Exercise Physiology at the University of Eastern Finland.

Ilkka Vuori (FIN), Doctor of Medicine and Surgery, Professor emeritus, the ”grand old man” of Exercise Physiology and Exercise Medicine in Finland with over 400 research articles and several books published.

Richar Smišek (CZE), M.D., Inventor and Developer of the Spiral Stabilization Method. Read more...

Grzegorz Zurek (POL), PhD, Professor, Head of the Department of Neuroscience at the Wroclaw Sport University and Associate Professor at the Opole Medical School, Poland. He is an active researcher with several studies publicated, also on walking and nordic walking. At this moment he is involved with researches concerning changes in cognitive functions.

See the members of the Educational Advisory Board