What is Modern Nordic Walking? See the new, lively presentation video:


Video: "Greetings to the community of Modern Nordic Walking!"


An important Statement published by ICNW: Pole walking - Nordic Walking - Modern Nordic Walking: Definitions, a brief history, and the development of the discipline.



The 20th Anniversary Celebrations of Nordic Walking in Finland, August 4-6, 2017. The summary of the historical International Nordic Walking Congress and the official video of the whole event:

see them here.


Respecting the past, working for the future!

International Council of

Nordic Walking

A scientific organization to boost Nordic Walking

research, education and overall development worldwide


Follow our Facebook pages to get the latest news and details about the International Nordic Walking Congress – and the whole "Nordic Walking 20 Years" Celebration Event!




August 4. The 1st Congress day

08:00-09.00  Check-in

09:00-10:00: Opening ceremony (Areena auditorium)

10:00-12:00: Lectures (Areena auditorium)

10:00-10:30: Ilkka Vuori: Research evidence on the effects of Nordic Walking.

10:30-11:00: Jarmo Ahonen: Does it matter how we walk? Principles of biomechanics in human walking

11:00-11:30: Liisa Tyrväinen: Health and well-being benefits of nature

11:30-12:00: Tiina Arrankoski: Modern Nordic Walking – spiral stabilized movement

12:00-13:00: Lunch

13:00-14:00: Presentation of the Finnish National Parks. Auditorium, Finnish Nature Centre www.haltia.com

14:00-17:00: Workshops, practical outdoor activities

- Jarmo Ahonen: Does it matter how we walk? Principles of biomechanics in human walking

- Tiina Arrankoski: Modern Nordic Walking – spiral stabilized movement  

- Mika Venojärvi: Measurement of oxygen uptake with portable equipment during walking and Nordic Walking

- Sampo Idstam: Pilates with Nordic Walking poles

17:00-18:00: Product presentation: Mpower – muscle activation monitor www.mpower-bestrong.com

August 5. The 2nd Congress day

09:00-12:00: Lectures (Areena auditorium)

09:00-09:30: Mika Venojärvi: The effect of endurance and resistance training on skeletal muscle metabolism

09:30-10:00: Minna Huotilainen: Brain research reveals the effects of physical exercise

10:00-10:30: Heikki Tikkanen: Walking on four limbs - Nordic Walking and its clinical benefits in rehabilitation

10:30-11:00: Tuomo Kettunen: Energy expenditure of walking and Nordic Walking

11:00-11:30: Tuulia Luomala / Mika Pihlman: The role of thoracolumbar fascia in Nordic Walking

11:30-12:00: Kari Kalliokoski: HIIT – a fast way to get fit

12:00-13:00: Lunch

13:00-15:00: Workshops, practical outdoor activities

- Tuulia Luomala / Mika Pihlman: The role of thoracolumbar fascia in Nordic Walking

- Tuomo Kettunen: Increasing the energy expenditure with a good Modern Nordic Walking technique

- Kari Kalliokoski: High intensive training for Nordic Walking

- Silvia Talana & Michela Colagiovanni: Modern Yoga – another way to regenerate the body after a Nordic Walking session

15:00-16:00: Time to relax, eventual travel to Helsinki etc.

16:00-18:00: Choises:

a) “Tahko Trail” (in Helsinki): Nordic Walking from Maunula cottege to the Olympic Stadium*

b) Helsinki sightseeing (by request, charged a part)*

c) Excursion in the nature at Solvalla

(* Eventual transport costs not included in the Event’s package, bus transport available.)

See the presentation of the lecturers here.

International Nordic Walking Congress

Solvalla Sports Institute, Espoo, Finland, August 4-5, 2017.

Part of the "Nordic Walking 20 Years" Anniversary Celebration Event.

The Congress was for: scientists, Nordic Walking Coaches, Trainers and Instructors, for all Nordic Walking enthusiasts, for everybody interested in Nordic Walking.

Languages: English and Finnish

Organizers: International Council of Nordic Walking ry (ICNW) and Suomen Latu ry, in collaboration with the World Modern Nordic Walking Academy ry.

See the presentation of the lecturers  here.